Each week we post our menus. This is a great service for those of you who are still getting into the swing of the school year and could use just a little help and extra time. You may think this awesome service will break the bank… but actually, not only will it save you time, it will also help you be healthier AND save you money! Pull out your calculators to check my math…
First – How much is an hour of your time worth? Let’s say $30/hr. For you to make dinner you need:
10 Minutes Menu Planning
10 Minutes Market List
30 Minutes Round Trip to/ from Market
20 Minutes Shopping at Market
10 Minutes Put Groceries Away
40 Minutes Cook
15 Minutes Clean-Up
That’s 135 Minute or 2.25 Hours or $67.50 a day or $472.50 in a week. That is only your time!
Now let’s include the cost of groceries… the average family of 4 spends $146 a week on groceries just for dinner. Then add the gas expense and miles on your car.
All those numbers work out to $88.36 for 1 dinner for 4 people… or $22.09 each!
Our meals average $12 per portion. All the ingredients I use are fresh, local, and organic grade. Each meal is complete with protein, vegetables, and starch and are approximately 400 calories. So ask yourself the question….”why isn’t your dinner being delivered to your door?”